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    Hello September

    Tonight we had the perfect evening by the water. After we finished work we took the subway to city and walked over the bridge to statshuset. Found a bench and sat there and enjoyed the last sun of a typical sunny day during early fall. These are the kind of evenings I realise how much I’ve missed Stockholm. It’s already September which means that in less than a month we get access to our apartment! Hard to focus on any…

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  • Lifestyle

    Jeans Weather

    It’s finally that perfect ‘beginning of fall weather’ outside. Sunny and a little bit colder so you can wear jeans and maybe even a knitted sweater but not yet the kind…

  • Lifestyle

    My warmest sweater

    With an old house on the countryside, with single layer windows and tin roof, you really feel the stormy weather. The summer is definitely gone for the moment, maybe not over…